Sunday, October 14, 2007

In love with Cadence

Cadence: ca·dence, noun, verb
Cadence is the number of revolutions of the crank per minute; roughly speaking, this is the speed at which a cyclist is pedaling/turning the pedals.

On my shiny new Avanti Cadent 1.0 for the first time with Specialized sport road shoes, wearing a cycling specific shoe also for the first time, it was exciting and I was keen to get the show on the road. The path out of my garage to the main road is an uphill climb, not too long, but just enough to get the heart rate up. Usually, I would ride up on a relatively high gear and manage it pretty well.

Here I go, I took off and before I knew it, it call came to a grinding halt, I fell off the bike !!!!! The gear was too high and I wasn't quick enough to get the shoe click out of the pedal. I was on the ground elbow first with the cycle hanging off my shoes until finally one shoe finally caved !!! I got up, smiled, brushed off the dirt from the elbow, pushed my bike to the top of the road and off I went.

When I fell down, I realized, this was it, this is me. I might have more falls, more serious ones, there may be blood spilt, but this is me. The ride on this baby is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast !!!! The full carbon frame makes it more shock proof and the cycling shoes demand more than just pedalling along! The cyclocomputer said the highest I hit on dowhill was about 54kmph and on flat was about 40kmph. Phew, its a bit unreal, I really doubt if it was that fast. If it isn't now, it will be very soon.

I have finally arrived at cycling with my road bike! Not by merely buying it, but by wanting to be on it, by enjoying it and by feeling like I belong.

I'm in love with Cadence

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